ART AND OSE Courses & Workshops
Isabelle de Bellefroid offers sculpture lessons (clay modeling, papier-mâché, resin, wood, etc.) for adults and young people from 16 years old.
These courses are aimed at both beginners and experienced. You will work mainly the earth as well as all kinds of other materials. Everyone has the choice of their creation. The important thing is to learn to look and create. The subjects are either figurative or abstract but always in a balance of proportion and creativity.
Classes are given in Isabelle’s studio located at 47a Rollebaan in 1640 Rhode-Saint-Genèse
If you want more information on one of the courses or you want to know the dates of the next courses, contact Art et Ose.

Vous avez envie de donner des cours dans un domaine artistique et vous cherchez un espace ?
Vous avez envie d’organiser un stage durant les vacances scolaires ?
Contactez-moi et nous trouverons ensemble une possibilité. Il reste plusieurs plages horaires disponibles en semaine (journée et/ou soir).
For any questions, feel free to contact Isabelle de Bellefroid.